Printable wallpaper – interior change with minimal effort

Printable wallpaper – interior change with minimal effort

Every Summer is always a good time to make a little changes to our interiors. Of course since everyone most likely have some better ideas on how to spend these warm days. So the criteria here are – the most radical, eye-pleasing change with minimal effort. Since...
Applications of Ikonos anti-COVID-19 products

Applications of Ikonos anti-COVID-19 products

All hubs such as metro & train stations, airports, hospitals & schools are especially vulnerable places. The application of Ikonos anti-COVID-19 products can significantly increase the public safety. It is possible if we effectively combine a few simple...
ANTIBACTERIAL foil – effective surface protection

ANTIBACTERIAL foil – effective surface protection

It is not a magic – it is SCIENCE! Antibacterial foil works on microbes. All of it thanks to the special coating, highly enriched in metal oxides. It is a very effective surface protection. Certainly very reliable one, thanks to official certificate: ISO...
Enhance an image with light – print on backlit

Enhance an image with light – print on backlit

The print is generally a passive medium reliant on the external source of light. As a result the intensity of colours depends on lighting conditions. However, there is a smart hack to it! It is possible to enhance an image colors with light – print on backlit....
gtag('set', {'user_id': 'USER_ID'}); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id. ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.