Ikonos Proficoat

Antimicrobial Ultra-Clear PET 175

CERTIFIED for Personal Eye Protection EN 166: 2001 & EN 167:2001

Ultra-Clear Antimicrobial PET 175 is the top-quality polyester terephthalate (PET) film. It is certified with norms EN 166:2001 and EN 167:2001. Visually it is clear, transparent semi-matt plastic. However, with super-high light transmission! It’s also distortion-free with minimal haze . All of this in thickness of 175 micrometers. This properties make it perfect for personal eye protection applications.

The face shields made from it, are also durable and stiff. In addition, it allows a user to work comfortably without the feeling of eye-exhaustion.

The high bearing capacity of the material makes it perfectly suitable for many jobs. Back-light advertising is just the one of them. During COVID-19 crisis, the product sucessfully served as a personal protection in form of visor or window counter barrier. Its increased durability and high resistance makes it very reliable medium.

The product is 100% PVC-free, safe and recyclable. Made in agreement with the highest European standards with care for the environment. Reach compliance assures that on every level it fulfils the highest environmental expectations.

Advantages: Eco-friendly: Application:
– superb light transmission
– minimal haze
– die and laser cuttable
– high stiffness
two-side treated
– anti-virus applications
– wide range of applications
– optical-clear
safe for children
– made in EU
REACH compliant
– CERTIFIED – EN 167:2001 & EN 166:2001
– recyclable
– for ecofriendly UV printing technology
– clinics & hospitals
– children room
– household
– office
– post-office
– gas station
– reception


Polyester terephthalate
Transparent, gloss
175 μm
A transparent material based on 175-micron uncoated polyester terephthalate film. Superb for expo-lighting systems of all types. Ultra-Clear Backlit UV will help you to achieve the sharpness of details, high resolution and best durability.



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