Advertising on a car and decorating it with wrapping foil – is it eco-friendly? The question is very important. Especially that ecology matters these days very much. As always, the answer depends on what criteria we take to try to answer the question.

Advertising on a car and decorating it with wrapping foil – is it eco-friendly? The question is very important. Especially that ecology matters these days very much. As always, the answer depends on what criteria we take to try to answer the question.

So, in my opinion we must take the whole expected lifespan of a car. At the time it changes the owner 3-4 times in case of Canada for example.

wrapped car is much less vulnerable to rust, scratches, color fading

It is not a secret that, the better the condition of a car, the better for its price. The visual condition obviously makes the first impression and affects everything that follows. The properly wrapped car is much less vulnerable for rust, scratches, color fading. Generally it ages much slower. The thin layer of foil can save a lot of car’s body working to bring our motor back to its original glory.

Especially over the long period of time, the lower number of car repairs benefits the environment. The production of paint, solvents and their application is very impactful on the nature. Therefore, even if the car foil are cast vinyls, they are the most gentle choice we can make. 

The best long term effect you achieve with two layer system – wrap plus lamination foil.

Go here to find out more about available choice of car wrapping cast foils.

Watch the video clip here.

Advertising on a car and decorating it with wrapping foil - is it eco-friendly - news cover
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