We are proud to announce the NEW PVC-free self adhesive film for floor graphics. The product offers many advantages on the market of Large Format Printing Media. Its high-quality components offer superb physical properties and full recyclability.

4-FLOOR MPT F70+ SAND PVC-FREE significantly enhances the quality of the final product. Above all, the lamination film effectively turns any print into safe, anti-slippery floor graphics. It gives the print matt effect, intensifies its color range and significantly extends its durability. Profiflex 4-FLOOR reduce color fading and effectively retards printout deterioration.

Anti-slippery properties – R9 certified safety. 

The product is certified for fire retardant  according to DIN EN 13501-1:2019

Less than a week to RemaDays

Less than a week to RemaDays

Less than one week is left to RemaDays 2019. It’s a big event – one of the largest fairs of the kind. Presence over there is important, it of course can be fun as well, but what’s the most important that it’s a great chance to meet with people from the business and...

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Polypropylen blockout for roll-up, pop-up and POS

Polypropylen blockout for roll-up, pop-up and POS

It is impossible to overestimate the usefulness of prints in a form of roll-up or POS, because they offer flexibility and the space needed for better communication. A Good picture, catching slogan, diagrams, product presentation or just great size logo of a company –...

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Profiflex LINO in 137 cm wide rolls now

Profiflex LINO in 137 cm wide rolls now

Well known Ikonos' product Profiflex MRT D160+ LINO until these days was available in 1,05 m wide rolls. From now on there is also 1,37 m wide roll standard in our offer. IKONOS PROFIFLEX MRT D160+ LINO is available in 1,37 m wide rolls. Until now the size of 1,37 m...

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PVC-free Products

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