We are proud to announce the NEW PVC-free self adhesive film for floor graphics. The product offers many advantages on the market of Large Format Printing Media. Its high-quality components offer superb physical properties and full recyclability.

4-FLOOR MPT F70+ SAND PVC-FREE significantly enhances the quality of the final product. Above all, the lamination film effectively turns any print into safe, anti-slippery floor graphics. It gives the print matt effect, intensifies its color range and significantly extends its durability. Profiflex 4-FLOOR reduce color fading and effectively retards printout deterioration.

Anti-slippery properties – R9 certified safety. 

The product is certified for fire retardant  according to DIN EN 13501-1:2019

BLM 600 – Family gets bigger

BLM 600 – Family gets bigger

A new product is being launched by Ikonos to the market - the Ikonos Blockout BLM 600. New version of blockout, consists of two layers of PP intentionally laminated with black adhesive in order to block the light from both sides. Perfect for roll-ups, pop-ups and any...

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Visit us and become a part of our production team!

Visit us and become a part of our production team!

This summer, Ikonos opens doors to all customers interested in seeing how our materials are produced. During your visit at Ikonos you will become a part of our production team. The visit will include also more information about the application of Ikonos materials and...

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Ikonos success on Fespa 2014

Ikonos success on Fespa 2014

Thank You for visiting our stand during Fespa Germany! During those four days we had 27% more visiting our stand compare to Fespa London, more than 50% of visitors ware new customers from over 30 countries. This year Ikonos caught your attention thanks to new...

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PVC-free Products

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