We are proud to announce the NEW PVC-free self adhesive film for floor graphics. The product offers many advantages on the market of Large Format Printing Media. Its high-quality components offer superb physical properties and full recyclability.

4-FLOOR MPT F70+ SAND PVC-FREE significantly enhances the quality of the final product. Above all, the lamination film effectively turns any print into safe, anti-slippery floor graphics. It gives the print matt effect, intensifies its color range and significantly extends its durability. Profiflex 4-FLOOR reduce color fading and effectively retards printout deterioration.

Anti-slippery properties – R9 certified safety. 

The product is certified for fire retardant  according to DIN EN 13501-1:2019

Success of Ikonos materials in Poznan

Success of Ikonos materials in Poznan

Once again Ikonos brand was successfully presented during international trades Euro-Reklama in Poznan (Poland). All thanks to our respectful visitors whom we would like to thank now. All the presented materials, both the newest products and our bestsellers, were very...

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New series of products for wall decoration

New series of products for wall decoration

Ikonos and two German companies have joined forces to create a new series of products for wall decoration. Initial testing has reached great results and Ikonos is planning first production of the new Wallpaper at the beginning of June. Interested customers will...

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PVC-free Products

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