The assembly of our new automated converting machine is in progress. It is really impressive how huge the whole system is. Now is the time to start putting all the elements together.

The assembly of our new automated converting machine is in progress. It is really impressive how huge the whole system is. We plan to implement it to our production in four weeks. Surely, it is a while, however as every new thing it must go throug requiring test at first. Additionaly, the operators must also get the proper trainning. Now is the time to start putting all the elements together.

Pop-up roll-up and backlit – October 2019 promotion

Pop-up roll-up and backlit – October 2019 promotion

Pop-up, roll-up and backlit – Ikonos just started its special offer on some Display Systems media. Blockout BLM620 designed for POP-UPs. Blockout BLM600 - perfect for ROLL-UPs. And also backlit UV are available in the special price until the end of the month! Everyone...

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Frosted effect glass decoration film potential

Frosted effect glass decoration film potential

The glass surfaces can be interesting, now. They are suitable to carry a message we want to send to the world. We have means to transform them into an advertisement. Or we can enhance the look of a window to fulfill the general design. It's the job for our line of...

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Decoration with printable wallpaper

Decoration with printable wallpaper

The interior decoration is both the question of taste and resources. We can for example decorate by using wallpaper. If so, then the printable wallpaper is certainly worth consideration. Especially if we want to create something really original. In this case it can be...

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PVC-free Products

gtag('set', {'user_id': 'USER_ID'}); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id. ga('set', 'userId', 'USER_ID'); // Set the user ID using signed-in user_id.