Produced in Europe – distributed worldwide PET

The ability to follow the best industry standards. Quick adjustment of the production profile to the market. Wise introduction of the new norms and products in order to be more innovative. These are things we are really proud of. These are the origins of Ikonos high-quality LFP media.

The ability to follow the best industry standards. In addition, the quick adjustment of the production profile to the market. Above all, wise introduction of the new norms and products. All in order to be more innovative. These are things we are really proud of. These are also the origins of Ikonos high-quality lfp media.

The product is 100% PVC-free, safe and recyclable. Made in agreement with the highest European standards with care for the environment. Reach compliance assures that on every level it fulfils the highest environmental expectations.

It’s been a very long path we have made so far. Over time we collected plenty of experience. But we never became arrogant. We know there’s still more to learn. A lot to discover and change for the better. All this is to always meet the highest expectations makes Ikonos one of the most dynamic companies in the LFP media industry. We are not afraid of changes and novelties.

The biggest enemy of the creative approach is stagnation. The delusive acceptance of the present state as unchangeable. This is not us. We constantly rethink the processes in order to find the way to improve them.

At the beginning of coronavirus crisis, we preemptively introduced very strict rules. By regulating the traffic and human contacts, we were able to continue the production. These words are great thanks to all our crew for being responsible both at work and after.

Visit our photo gallery here.

On the origins of Ikonos high-quality products news cover

use Ikonos products to protect against coronavirus

counter shields & personal shields/visors
- eliminate the risk of close contact infection

surface lamination
- makes disinfection easier / protects surfaces -

floor and wall information
- helps to keep order in public places -

Maintenance break on July 2019

Maintenance break on July 2019

When Summer-time comes the world slows-down a bit. Every year we use this moment to stop our line in order of maintenance, development and upgrades. This is only two weeks during which we relay on our accumulated supplies. We do not stop working for the duration of...

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The catalog of Ikonos PVC-free products

The catalog of Ikonos PVC-free products

Ecological awareness becomes a common thing. People care more than few years ago about what they eat, what products they use, what happens with the waste they produce and so on. In consequence there's growing demand on products that are recyclable, biodegradable and...

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All of the new products in one pill – part 1

All of the new products in one pill – part 1

It is incredible how much have happened during this five months. There is full month until the end of the first half of 2019 and Ikonos Media factory introduced so many new products that they deserve an overview and few words of introduction. A wider description of...

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PVC-free Products

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