Surface lamination helps to avoid virus infection. Above all, Ikonos laminates give surfaces the uniformed structure. Plane areas are easy to clean even with the single wipe. This, among the others, is how lamination helps to avoid the virus infection from spreading.

Surface lamination helps to avoid virus infection. Above all, Ikonos laminates give surfaces the uniformed structure. Plane areas are easy to clean even with the single wipe. Secondly, the product is really easy to apply. There is no need to order it to specialists. It cuts and bends easily and also it is self-adhesive. Thirdly, it protects the furniture itself from damage caused by cleaning products and also from mechanical damage. This is how lamination helps to avoid the virus infection from spreading.

We must understand that overcoming the epidemy or pandemy is the process. It is also pointless to panic. Senseless to expect that someone, somewhere will invent coronavirus-killer. The world will not instantly return to where it was before. It does not work this way. It is a great design of global range.

Let’s understand this design by dismantling it on smaller parts.

The surface lamination helps to avoid virus infection.

The surface lamination helps to avoid virus infection. How, if it doesn’t kill the virus? No, it doesn’t. However, it is not the point.

Firstly, as in many fields the best ways is to copy how the single organism manages a crisis. In case of being wounded the risk of infection and other coexisting threats is greater. In fact a single damage of skin tissue can endanger the whole system. This is why the damaged area is isolated from the rest of the system. The antibodies operate only in this particular area. It is still a great overload for the whole organism. I think you have the general idea.

This is why we should stay home if possible. The interactions between people must be reduced to the most necessary only. They should not stop totally, however. People still need to eat, drink, work, care for animals and so on. This activities thou, must be more cautious and reflective.

The borders must be protected. The firemen must remain in readiness. The streets must be policed. Hospitals must work. Powerplant engines must run. The total shutdown is not really possible. Surely it wouldn’t be wise. Especially that many jobs can still operate remotely. Additional workplaces can be redesigned in order to operate normally with no risk to employes. This accomplishes the second important step – adaptation to the new situation.

Te lamination of surfaces is an important part of the adaptation. People returning to work will interact more in bigger workplaces.

Te lamination of surfaces is an important part of the adaptation. People returning to work will interact more in bigger workplaces. Changing rooms and cantinas are especially neuralgic here. These are the relativlely small areas visited by everyone. These places must be cleaned & disinfected constantly. To make sure the cleaning is efficient we should cover surfaces with a layer of material that makes it easy.

use Ikonos products to protect against coronavirus

counter shields & personal shields/visors
- eliminate the risk of close contact infection

surface lamination
- makes disinfection easier / protects surfaces -

floor and wall information
- helps to keep order in public places -

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