Ikonos is printing media producer for large format inkjets. One among newly introduced products is our new antibacterial self-adhesive film. The material has certified 99% efficacy. The longlasting antibacterial properties of the new foil come from the fact that it is antibacterial in all of it’s volume.

Ikonos is printing media producer for large format inkjets. We specialize in high-quality coating. One among newly introduced products is our new antibacterial self-adhesive film. The material has certified 99% efficacy. It is also to some extent working against the virus. The foil is self-adhesive and easy to apply thanks to bubble-free glue. The material is very long lasting. Its durability and antivirus properties find the confirmation in the test-results.

However, since it is a new product on the market, therefore most of the people are unfamiliar with it. In consequence we often hear some similar questions.

Does a damage of the film’s surface end its antibacterial properties?

No. The film itself is antibacterial. All across its volume. The antibacterial metal oxides are within the vinyl – not just in the coating. So scratches on the surface do not affect it otherwise than aesthetically.

Can i clean the foil?

Yes. Moreover, you must! The film works when it is exposed for touch. It will not work if it is covered. The cleaning doesn’t affect its antibacterial properties. However, use for it some mild cleaning products or alcohol. The product successfully passed repeats in 50 procedures.

Therefore, it is safe to say it is suitable for applications in public spaces such as offices, schools and even hospitals. The construction allows it to survive in tact in a very harsh conditions.

Applications of Ikonos anti-COVID-19 products news cover - we can feel safe again

use Ikonos products to protect against coronavirus

counter shields & personal shields/visors
- eliminate the risk of close contact infection

surface lamination
- makes disinfection easier / protects surfaces -

floor and wall information
- helps to keep order in public places -

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