Time to start the most modern print center for LFP media. The construction process of the new RDC Ikonos is officially over. Now it’s the time to adapt the new spaces to their roles. Next week we start the implementation of the new warehouse racking system. The process is divided on two phases. This step is something everyone in the company is waiting for.
Time to start the most modern print center for LFP media. The construction process of the new RDC Ikonos is officially over. Now it’s the time to adapt the new spaces to their roles. Next week we start the implementation of the new warehouse racking system. The process is divided on two phases. This step is something everyone in the company is waiting for.
The new investment is a great change for the company. However, every change is in many ways a form of disruption. Since this is the moment when new spaces will be adopted to work week by week, therefore, everything should go to better now.
Watch a short video clip to see the beginning of the investment.
Also find-out more about our sustainability program.
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